I've got a review of Sean Williams' Saturn Returns, the first book in his "Astropolis" series, over at BookSpotCentral. Have a look.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My friend
This is not even tangentially related to this site’s subject, but there’s little point to having your own blog if you can’t follow your own arbitrary whims from time to time. I’m planning on getting a cat from the animal shelter within a week or two, and I’d wanted to post something in memory of my old cat for a while, so now seems like the time.
I got Kira from a local shelter in 2000, when she was about 9 months old. I noticed her when I was walking past the rows of cages, and she reached out her front paw and touched me, then pushed her cheek against the cage bars and tried to rub against my hand. Quite a stroke of good fortune for both of us- she had been abandoned there for a while, and was a few days away from being euthanized. Despite being fairly skittish with most people, she seemed to take to me quickly, and so I adopted her.She loved to sit by the windows, where she could enjoy the sunlight and watch the birds. Once she got used to company, she liked to come up to people, sit nearby, and stick one of her paws out and rest it on the person’s hand. She would always sleep in someone’s bed, preferably with someone in it. She was quite noisy; she had a very loud rumbling purr and would greet people she liked with a sort of chirping sound.
She died too soon. On June 30th of 2008, a tumor that had been growing in her stomach suddenly burst. She had no chance of recovery, and she was put down the same day. It was very sudden; she continued on happily with her usual activities until the last few hours of her life. I’m grateful for that small mercy.She was a wonderful cat, and I was lucky to have her in my life for 8 years. The woman in charge of the cats at the shelter (I’ve always mentally referred to her as the “cat wrangler,” though sadly her real job title probably wasn’t as cool) said she had been neglected and possibly abused by her prior owners, so I guess I was able to give her something better than she would have had otherwise. I hope I did. She deserved it.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Ways of experiencing fiction
Via Grasping for the Wind, I came upon this interesting post by James Enge, in which Enge talks about the role played in each person by the “naïve reader” and the “sophisticated reader.” As Enge describes it:
The naive reader wants the hero to kill the bad guy and marry the space-princess (or space-prince, or what have you). The sophisticated reader is muttering, “Yes, this is much like the plot Burroughs used, with overtones of Hamlet and the occasional oblique reference to postmodernism which is de rigueur for self-consciously retrogenerical pastiche, n’est-ce pas?” The naive reader just wants to sit back and enjoy the movie. The sophisticated reader is the guy sitting in the row behind who won’t STFU.
Each person contains both. The naïve reader experiences the story directly- as Enge says, it is “the one for whom the reading experience is emotionally fulfilling.” The sophisticated reader, through deeper analysis and understanding of things beyond what’s up in the foreground, can augment the enjoyment of the naïve reader-or disrupt it, either by identifying issues the naïve reader would miss or running wild and nitpicking everything.
This made me think of a related question: What aspects of fiction are the primary sources of enjoyment, and what aspects are secondary or in the realm of peripheral details or nitpicking? These categories don’t correspond precisely to Enge’s casual and sophisticated reader, but they are somewhat related.
I think one of the biggest and most common barriers to understanding when considering fiction is the assumption that all fiction is ultimately about, or at least ought to be about, the same things, and that likewise all readers enjoy or ought to enjoy the same things. One of the distinguishing characteristics of science fiction, especially (but by no means exclusively) hard science fiction, is that it often moves issues of scientific and technical realism, along with things like creativity and logical consistency of background, from the peripheral/nitpicking realm to the foreground.
For me, and I think for many people who like science fiction (especially written), getting science and technology right isn’t just something that appeases my desire to nitpick or allows me to appreciate a story on an additional, supplementary level, it’s a source of pleasure in the same way that the plot and characters are. Background and setting are similar. I enjoy it when a setting is put together well, when the extrapolated social and technological effects of the science presented makes sense-and again, this is front and center in my mind in the same way that character and plot is. It’s primary, not supplementary. Fantasy often does something like this too, with J.R.R. Tolkien being the most obvious and striking example. This is quite different from most other forms of fiction, where the setting may have thematic relevance but is usually not an object of interest in itself. (Historical fiction is an exception, since the historical veracity of the setting is often a significant part of the reader's enjoyment. It would be interesting to know how much overlap there is between historical fiction readers and SF readers)
Indeed, some science fiction works more or less invert the normal hierarchy entirely, not only putting science, extrapolation of technology, and logical construction of setting up in front as sources of enjoyment, but pushing things that are conventionally considered the core of what good fiction should be about, such as characterization and prose style, into the background, or almost into oblivion altogether. If I’m reading a science fiction book with imaginative and well thought-out ideas, the quality of characterization often becomes a nitpicky background concern to me. A science fiction story is certainly not harmed by good characters, but often it isn’t much harmed by their absence either. A lot of the complaints about characterization in science fiction often strikes me as sort of like hearing someone complain that magical realist author Gabriel Garcia Marquez failed to explore the physical mechanism or social effects of the technology of the giant magnet that the gypsies had in One Hundred Years of Solitude, or about the improbable and melodramatic plots of many operas.
This is not an absolute rule, and it’s certainly possible to write science fiction that is primarily based on character or stylistic flair. There are plenty of character-based stories I like. I think my description captures the genre’s general thrust, however. This has serious implications for other issues, such as the desire of some people for science fiction and fantasy to gain greater respectability, but this post is long enough for now. I’d be interested in hearing how other readers experience science fiction, and if your take on the nature of the genre is similar to mine.